Are you ready to compete in this year’s You Be The Chemist® Challenge?!
Registration for the 2023-2024 Challenge cycle will be opened from October 2, 2023 till December 29, 2023.
The Challenge can be incorporated into the classroom as an educational learning tool. Student participation in the Challenge enhances student learning through participation in online study modules that coincide with CEF’s Challenge study materials. Click here to view a sample.
The Challenge offers two participation tracks this year: in-person and virtual.
In-Person: Teams participating in-person must first take the Qualifier to advance to the in-person Regional Challenge. Please see the Challenge Tracks for more information.
Both Tracks: Teams compete in the in-person or virtual Regional Challenge answering timed multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Teams will also create a video exploring chemistry concepts in this year’s theme. Regional Challenge and video scores are weighted to determine state winners and national finalists! Teams must be composed of 3-4 students.
Let’s Show the World What We’ve Got!
This year’s international challenge gives children the opportunity to compete with science enthusiasts across the globe! Grade 5-8 students from the U.S.A and China will also be participating in this year’s You Be The Chemist® Challenge. Let’s make Canada proud!
So exciting! How Does Our School Become Involved?
Registration is now open from October 2, 2023 till December 29, 2023. Register or nominate your team of four.
How do we prepare?! What are the questions based on?
Study materials and supporting information will be available on the Chemical Educational Foundation’s (CEF) website. Participants are encouraged to review these study materials, including the periodic table, to prepare for each level of the Challenge competition. Questions will be based on overall understanding of chemistry, general science concepts, and the relationship among various concepts.
We look forward to seeing lots of Canadian representation at the upcoming challenge!
Go Canada, Go!

Additional Resources
You Be The Chemist Canada continues to offer free lesson plans and resources to students and teachers across Canada.
Contact us
Should you have further questions relating to the YBTC program in Canada or the upcoming Challenge, please feel free to contact the RDC Head Office at 905.332.8777.